Get Legal Counsel for Assault and Battery Cases

Domestic Battery

What You Need to Know About Domestic Violence

In Florida, domestic violence allegations are taken very seriously and almost always result in arrests and charges being filed. Often, these charges are penalized through jail time, restraining orders, probationary sentences, and enforced counseling.

When children are involved, the accused parent is always at risk of losing visitation rights or custody. Once an accusation has been made, even if you maintain your innocence, charges that could pose significant consequences may still be filed.

Why Choose Us?

Our team has over 35 years of combined experience defending clients charged with domestic violence and can begin investigating your case immediately. We can provide helpful advice on what steps you can take in order to minimize or even eliminate stress, all while doing everything we can to secure a positive outcome for your case.

This type of charge is very serious, and you’ll need an experienced attorney at your side. Working with us will enable us to put our knowledge of the criminal justice system to work in your favor.

Aggravated Battery

Available Defenses for This Type of Case

There are many defenses available that an assault and battery lawyer can provide, the most common of which is self-defense. This means that you were defending yourself or another person during the commission of what the state attorney has charged as an assault or battery.

Many factors must be evaluated before you settle for any other offer that the state attorney’s office has given, including but not limited to:

  • Is the charge a Felony or a Misdemeanor?
  • Is the charge filed in a way that qualifies for Sealing or Expunction?
  • Will the charge have any effect on your living arrangements? Knowing that most rental agencies and apartment companies do a background check is essential.
  • Does the victim wish to prosecute?
  • Was the victim a family member?
  • Are there children involved or present in the home at the time of the incident?
  • Is the Department of Children and Families involved in your case?

Why Choose Us for Your Case

Our team can conduct an in-depth case review with you, which include an explanation of the elements of the charge or charges, along with a deeper evaluation of the facts to help determine any defense cases that may exist.

We are dedicated to providing you with quick and sensible legal advice, all while mounting an effective and aggressive defense in your favor.